What is your name?
Where are you located?
What is the name of the shop?
Charm Du Jour
What is the shop address?
Please list any URLS of where readers can find you

What is your art or craft and how long have you been creating?
Although I also use new supplies, I love recreating vintage jewelry and making the pieces into something new and more modern. I've been creating jewelry as a hobby for about 10 years, but I recently (this past year) got into creating jewelry through reclaimed or up cycled vintage pieces. Creating jewelry has become an obsession of mine, and I didn't have enough birthdays to celebrate before it all started piling up in my bedroom. That's when Charm Du Jour came along.
What other things do you do besides creating?
From baking to painting, I will take on the task of anything that feuls my imagination. When I'm stuck in a "creative rut" long walks with my dog Charlie help me to re-energize the creative part of my brain.
Getting back to basics and close to nature is a great way to get re-energized! What inspires you?
I live in the South, and I seem to be inspired by everything around me. The people, the nature, the music, and even the food...I feel like I'm on an artistic high living down here. Mostly, I'm inspired by the vintage piece itself. I find that I enjoy working with old found objects more than I do new supplies. I love going to the local flea market and finding things I won't see anywhere else. Big or small, vintage items always tell a story.

I love that about vintage items, too. Are there any artists that inspire you?
Many, and I'm always adding to the list! Here are a few recent ones...
Lisa Meyers
Michelle Brusegaard
Mignon Faget
What are five words that describe you?
Blessed. Happy. Creative. Homebody. Busy.

Thank you so much for visiting with us today, Brittney!
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(images: Charm Du Jour)
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