I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I thought I'd share a photo of Michael and I on our trip to Mexico just a few weeks back! This photo was taken of us on the beach the night of my friends wedding. We were so hot in our dress clothes and my hair is crazy from the wind, but I still love this photo of us. We both look so happy and I want to remember this trip forever. I will share some more photos from our trip some other time. I have to do to some photoshop editing on many of them, but after that I will get some more posted.
Every year in St. Louis we have an air balloon race and that took place over this past weekend. I have wanted to go every year, but I never get around to going. My goal is to go next year and watch the races and another special event called Glow. The glow event takes place in the evening and they light up all of the air balloons and I have heard its really nice.
We had quite a rainy weekend around here, how was yours? Did you get out and do anything nice? I would love to hear about it!
(image from gidu)
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